Sunday, January 9, 2011

hyper link task

Ryan Patterson's research paper elaborating on the unfairness, corruption, and ignorance of the BCS may lead to worse things than misplacing a team that's gone 12-0. What if it were to pertain to the education system and colleges didn't consider a 4.0 student because of the fact that the student came from the ghettos of Queens instead of a warm neighborhood planted in the Boulder, Colorado where grocery stores are around the corner instead of liquor stores or crack deals?

Nick is convinced there is a Sasquatch out there, better of, he knows there's a Sasquatch out some where romping around the forest. Why not believe him instead of foolishly believing Sasquatch is a creature only of our imaginations? As a young child. Santa Claus was my favorite out of all our imagination characters. Because the fact that he brought the best presents but also because the Christmas spirit that Santa Claus brings to the Holidays and makes the Holidays that much better. The things is, I still want to believe there is a Santa Claus and for me to completely deny that Santa Claus doesn't exist is, I would have to search every square foot of the North Pole. Sasquatch falls into the same scheme where we have no clue if the creature exists or not. So until we search every bit of every forest and prove there isn't a sasquatch, we can't deny the existance of Sasquatch.

Zach Marriner wrote about how professional athletes seem to get in a lot more trouble for crimes that ordinary people commit all the time yet don't find their faces all over ESPN as well losing million dollar endorsments. When I read this article I picture someone whose living in a glass house where no matter what you do, someone will always being watching you. It isn't fair, just because these athletes have a god given ability to ball hard, they are put in these glassworlds where privacy doesn't exist. We've all made mistakes, but pick those whose names are bigger than ours?

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